Saturday, September 15, 2007

Barchester Towers Continued

I am about halfway through Barchester Towers, and enjoying it thoroughly. I have read past my previous stoppage point, so I feel a bit proud of myself. Honestly, I don't know why it is so difficult to start these books, once I get going they are absorbing and so interesting.

I find that they have a contemporary resonance. Everyone is talking, blogging, reporting (!), plain old GOSSIPING about Britney Spears and her latest televised screw up. Poor girl. In Barchester Towers, everyone talks and gossips about Signora Neroni and her affliction. She entraps the men!!! She monopolized a sofa!! She makes unreasonable requests of her hosts and companions!! All I can say is, please, everyone, have a little understanding for the overexposed pop star and please, let's condemn the selfish spoiled woman as Trollope directs us to. But there is nothing new under the sun...

But maybe Trollope has a surprise for me, we'll see.

I am also reading Ilium by Dan Simmons, a writer of extraordinary powers and depth. I started this book about a year ago, realized I was out of my depth and that I needed to read the Iliad to truly do this book justice. So I have read the Iliad, and with it fresh in my mind, I have restarted Ilium and I am so glad I did so. Everything Simmons discusses through his characters is so much richer after reading the Iliad.

Reading Simmons makes me realize where my education is lacking. I wish I had a classical education and had learned Latin and Greek. I am not sure how to remedy this at this late date!

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