Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Barchester Towers Done!

Barchester Towers is now off my "to read" list and on the "read" list. Trollope did have a surprise for me - the selfish woman opens the way for the lovers who cannot reveal themselves. Trollope's rather interesting in this book. I don't think any character changes, really - the lovers realize their love, but no one undergoes a sea change. Everyone stays true to their nature throughout, and I don't think any of the characters outside of the lovers have any self-realization. Very interesting.

So I am reading Ilium and I have also started So Big by Edna Ferber, recommended by my friend Sharlene. Both Sharlene and my good friend Julie have been on an American female novelist kick - Sharlene on Ferber, Julie on Edith Wharton. I need to join the fun!

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