Sunday, September 9, 2007

What Next?

I have finally finished Intrepid's Last Case; I'm not sure if I have gained any knowledge except for the realization that my knowledge of history, post WWII is paltry. So I have put Willliam Manchester's The Glory and the Dream into my reading pile.

Actually, it's not a pile. It used to be a table, an old fashioned ladies dressing table, and I kept my "to be read" pile there. Very respectable. However, all-too-frequent trips to the library's sale table and the AAUW's book fair, and the local Borders, have turned my trusty table into a table plus overspill into a cardboard box. It's not very attractive, and I am going to have to break down and find a bookcase - maybe something dignified with glass doors? - to put in its place.

So the question is, as always, what next? I have a number of choices. My friend Sharlene lent me an Edna Ferber book, and I should start that. I bought a fantasy title that I LOVED reading a few years ago that is part of a trilogy. I found #s 2 and 3 on the library sale rack, bought them, and broke down and bought #1 at full price. My friend Julie has lent me a couple of titles that I could read - one is The Alchemist.

And there's always Trollope. It's been a while, I should revisit the purpose of this blog and read some Trollope. Barchester Towers awaits me. I find this one a hard start after The Warden, since in the first few pages I learn that one of my favorite characters from that book has died!

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