Saturday, February 24, 2007

Finds at the Book Sale

I came away from the book sale with one cardboard box and two plastic grocery sacks full of books for the relatively low price of $45. Some of my finds:

The Babel Tower by A.S. Byatt - I have read this, but I have decided to go ahead and buy her books when I find them in a sale like this. They are so well written and thought provoking.

The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides - I have almost finished this already. One of the most descriptive novels I have read in a very long time. Worth reading just for the images.

The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier

Exiles by Melanie Rawn - I love sci-fi/fantasy, and a friend recommended Rawn to me ages ago. We'll see!

Saturn by Ben Bova - LOVED his Mars - and the sequel. Fabulous, exciting, old-fashioned sci-fi. Hope Saturn is as good.

Snow Falling on Cedars - My church's book group is reading this. Maybe I'll join in the fun.

14 titles from the Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate. - I have a 9 year old son. What can I say?

Undue Influence by Steve Martini - I have a book list that says this is one of the best courtroom novels. I have never read Martini, but under this recommendation, I bought this book plus 2 other titles.

The Dispossessed by Ursula LeGuin.

The Volcano Lover by Susan Sontag - I remember when this was published, 15-16 years ago, but I never read it. I have a copy of the Sontag Reader and I have to say, Susan Sontag has to have been one of the finest intellects to ever visit this planet. I have no idea what her fiction will be like.

The Lovely Bones by Alice Seybold.

Numerous titles in mystery by Martha Grimes, sci-fi titles by Zelazny.

A few copies of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - purchased for the illustrations to use in crafts.

There's my abbreviated list - I have to sort through and see if there's anything else worth mentioning.

I obviously have added significantly to my "to read" pile, so we'll see about Trollope!

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